Online Content

7 Ways to Repurpose Your Online Content

7 Ways to Repurpose Your Online Content

One of the biggest hurdles that business owners often feel they have to overcome within their digital marketing is the creation of content. As you should know, content plays a huge role in online marketing including helping improve rankings on Google, building trust with prospects, and creating authority. Despite knowing its importance, some business owners come to a grinding halt in their content creation, as they cannot think of what new material they should create.

Whilst all content should be fresh in the sense that it should not simply be copied and pasted from elsewhere, that does mean that a single piece of content cannot be used in other ways. repurposing content is a highly effective digital marketing tactic, and, for example, it can mean that a single blog post can be turned into 5 or 6 other content items and used to supplement a content creation companion. Here are 7 ways your existing content can be repurposed.

Create A Podcast

An excellent way to repurpose blog posts is to turn each one into a podcast. You can either speak about what you have written in the post or better still ask a friend or colleague to interview you about it. Having an entire series of podcasts on a podcast channel generates a huge amount of authority.

Create An Infographic

Not everyone likes to read, especially if what they are reading is imparting new information to them. Many people prefer to be educated visually and that is where infographics become an option. By breaking a post down into smaller chunks you can create a highly appealing infographic, and if there is enough material, into a series of infographics.

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